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Toys Donation

You can donate your used old Toys to us. Your used old/new toys will be passed on to the orphanages and shelters for mentally retarded children. Groups of kids live together in children's homes so toys are always in demand at these places.


There are a number of shelters that will gladly take used toys. Shelters for women and the homeless are often overlooked as toy donation sites but children end up at these locations too. Look for shelters in your area through the phone book or online to brighten up someone's life in the darkest of circumstances.

Children's Homes

Groups of kids live together in children's homes so toys are always in demand. The number of children's homes has gone down over the years, but there are still plenty to choose from globally.

Donate Now

Call us for Donating Things, We can arrange Vehicle for Society Collection

Mobile: 9011013330
Telephone: 2025290909

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